Laser Hair & Skin Center of Monroeville


How Does It Work?

When operating in its skin rejuvenation mode, the Regenlite™ uses patented Smartpulse technology to produce a low frequency light that stimulates the body’s own natural systems to produce new collagen and elastin. The enhanced elastin collagen production effectively results in the skin tightening up and acquiring a new, rejuvenated look. Laser skin tightening and skin resurfacing has never been so easy!

What Areas Can Be Treated?

The full face, hands, neck, chest, and eyelids can be treated. The Regenlite is FDA approved to go inside the orbital socket to treat stubborn crows feet and wrinkled eyelids.

How Do I Prepare For Treatment?

The first step in preparing for treatment is to schedule a complimentary consultation to review your medical history and analyze your skin type. If you are suitable for treatment we can perform a test area on the day of the consultation and form an advised treatment plan. Normally we recommend a series of 3-5 treatments. If you are not suitable for a test area we will advise you to take proper steps in preparing for treatment. This may be a change in your medical history, topical products used, or allowing time for a suntan to fade.

Pre and Post Treatment

Patients are instructed to avoid anti-inflammatory agents and anti-histamine for one week pre and post treatment. Avoid using topical Vitamin A two days pre and post treatment. Tobacco should be avoided the day of treatment. A mild microdermabrasion is performed to remove the dead skin on the surface immediately prior to the laser treatment. This improves the penetration of the laser pulse.  Unlike other laser treatments, there is no pain, redness, or damage to the surface of the skin. Cosmetics may be applied immediately after treatment and patients are able to return to their normal activities.


Pricing depends on area size and location. We can treat the full face or partial face. During the complimentary consultation we will customize a package to fit the individual’s needs.